Chicago Defender Charities Inc. presents
If you are interested in investing in the youth, partnering with an organization that connects individuals and families to whole-life opportunities, and if you care about education, health & wellness, and economic vitality please consider donating.
The Bud Billiken® Parade is more than a procession of bands and floats marching down King Drive, it’s a commemoration of our past and a celebration of our future. Every summer since 1929, “The Bud” has united African-Americans throughout the city of Chicago in music, dance, food, and laughter. It’s one of the only spaces where we can openly and emphatically praise the historic roots that plant us into the South Side of Chicago.
This year’s parade represents more than the entertainment that it offers. Today, the 96th year tradition is historically the second largest parade in the United States next to the Rose Bowl. Abbott’s mission for the betterment of Chicago's youth, and to sound the clarion call for "Back to School," continues through the 4th generation leadership of his great - grandniece and the Chicago Defender Charities, Inc., President and CEO, Myiti Sengstacke-Rice. The Bud Billiken® parade is unique in that it is both historic and filled with the currency of youthful enthusiasm. The parade has inspired generations nationwide and continues to uplift our community.